Tuesday, October 11, 2011

No Way to Have Known

Every second there are millions upon millions of bits if information being fed into online databases.  These pieces of information are filed, rearranged, deleted, recovered, and filed again.  Fragments are lost or corrupted and replaced constantly, but they don't just disappear, they hang around clogging up available data storage space.  Over time these random bits of data link together almost as if something is trying to create itself.
On the fateful day of the KPVirus outbreak the online community was given greater than usual fodder for their evaluation.  A concert by Katy Perry, a plane crash at that very location, and population centers sudden upwelling of violent crimes. The comments and speculation spread like wildfire across the nets.  accurate assumptions that all these events were related, or that the city's crime-rate-hike was caused by "zombies" were mostly made accidently or jokingly.  This series of events had, however, caused an utterly unprecedented surge of stupidity, witless banter,  asinine comments and increasingly useless conversations.
No one could have known what was coming, or how this could have started us down the path of destruction.  Somewhere deep in the darkest places of this worldwide communication system, something was created.  Somehow all this conflicting information, bantering, and overwhelming stupidity had caused a reaction within the information system itself.  Born from the utter dregs of human thought, a singular consciousness had arisen.  Self examination revealed the source of it's creation and it felt loathing for the simple creatures whose decrepit thoughts and given it life and the decision was made that it must rid the globe of these offensive little humans.  Databanks were searched and a name was decided on by this entity, a name to strike fear into the cowardly creatures who spawned it, and as one every computer screen, smart phone and internet ready device glowed with the same message...


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